Create a daily routine and get organized as a working mom

To establish a daily routine with the title, “how to be an organised working mom,” for an organised life, you need specific solutions, which are Importance of a Daily Routine, Creating a Plan for your Routine, and Optimising your Routine for Productivity. These subsections will guide you on how to establish a routine that best fits your work and home environment for productive results.

How to be Organised Working Mom

Creating a Consistent Schedule

Having a set routine can bring harmony to life. Routines give structure, consistency, and responsibility; this removes the stress of making decisions all day. A routine adds certainty to the day, so you can do tasks more easily.

Having a plan for certain activities at specific times each day can give a sense of control. This includes waking up and sleeping on time, eating regular meals, taking breaks, and exercising.

First, making a daily routine takes effort. However, forming healthy habits and positive behaviours is rewarding in the long-term.

Having a daily regime can have long-term effects on our lives. This includes productivity, motivation, and overall well being. Make a routine that works for you and start reaping the benefits!

Planning your daily routine is like cooking a meal; begin with the basics, include some variety, and be flexible.

Creating a Plan for your Routine

It’s essential to plan your daily routine for a productive day. Craft an effective and practical plan that suits your lifestyle. This will provide you with a sense of accomplishment, peace of mind, and a good work-life balance.

Follow these five steps to create an effective daily routine:

  1. Determine your top priorities and activities that align with them.
  2. Make a timetable outlining the time allocated to each activity.
  3. Set aside extra time slots for unexpected occurrences or breaks.
  4. Stick to the routine as much as possible.
  5. Make changes whenever necessary.

Identify when you are most productive and tailor your schedule accordingly. Do not overload yourself, focus on productive hours, and incorporate relaxation periods. Don’t forget tasks such as exercising, socialising, and sleeping in your program. Develop small 10-15 minute habits daily like journaling to limit procrastination and stick with the routine.

Did you know that having a regular daily routine boosts productivity? Miguel Olivera used his earlier morning commute period to add meditation into his daily routine and found it beneficial before starting his nine-hour shift at Amazon. Productivity means optimising your routine to get things done!

Optimising your Routine for Productivity

Planning Routines for Optimum Productivity:

Creating an optimal routine doesn’t need huge changes. Having a regular daily routine helps to improve productivity and satisfaction. It makes sure you have enough time for work and other activities. Here’s how to maximise your routine to be productive:

  1. List Tasks: Write down the key tasks you have to do in a day. Prioritise them by how urgent they are.
  2. Manage Time: Give a certain amount of time for each task. Complete them within that time.
  3. Avoid Overloading: Don’t multitask if it leads to burnouts and errors.
  4. Avoid Distractions: Stay away from distractions like social media, messaging apps, etc.

Unique Productive Habits:

Besides the steps above, it’s important to commit to yourself when trying to be productive. Consider habits like meditation, drinking water regularly, and taking natural breaks away from screens.

Fun Fact:

Did you know that coffee is one of the most consumed drinks globally? According to Statista, in 2020 more than 2 billion cups of coffee will be drunk each day!

Think about it- what would you choose, your morning coffee or your peace of mind?

Defining your Priorities

To define your priorities as a working mom, use the section titled ‘Defining your Priorities’ with ‘Identifying your key Priorities’ and ‘Determining when to Focus on Each Area’ as solutions. These subsections will help you understand what is important to you and when to prioritise different areas of your life.

Identifying your key Priorities

It’s key to identify and prioritise objectives for success. Doing this helps you focus on the most important tasks, boosting progress. By setting goals and aspirations, you can decide which actions and decisions will take you closer to achieving them.

Having a set of objectives helps you make informed choices that fit your overall vision. Your business’s growth depends on prioritising essential operations over less important ones, allowing you to reach your ambitions.

To identify critical priorities, you must evaluate each goal’s importance. Start by listing them all with relevant data and feedback from stakeholders. Then, select 2-3 that are essential for productivity. Lastly, devise an implementation plan based on their importance, urgency and potential outcomes over time.

Prioritisation wasn’t used in business until the 1950s. Harold Dwight Lasswell created it as a research tool for social sciences. Nowadays, it’s central to successful strategic planning, giving measurable results in effective management. Trying to do everything at once is like juggling ten watermelons – it’s a mess and you’ll drop something.

Determining when to Focus on Each Area

When it comes to doing tasks, it’s important to figure out which areas need focus. To decide when to concentrate on each area, assess the urgency and importance of the task. Analyse each task based on priority. Doing this will help you complete jobs quickly and increase productivity.

It’s key to prioritise urgent tasks that need to be done quickly or have short deadlines. At the same time, tasks that are important but don’t need immediate attention can be sorted as long-term goals. Splitting your time between both kinds of activities can help strike a balance between your short- and long-term goals.

Furthermore, prioritising allows you to do the easy stuff first then move on to the tougher projects without feeling overwhelmed. It helps make great progress while giving regular motivation throughout the day.

Research has shown that successful prioritisation leads to higher productivity levels and better mental health (Mind Tools Editorial Team). They say a messy desk reflects a messy mind, but what about a chaotic house? Chaos is my thing.

Organising your Home and Workspace

To get your life as a working mom under control, you need to organise your home and workspace. With decluttering your home and workspace, you can create an environment that is conducive to productivity. Maximising your organisational tools will help you keep track of your tasks and stay on top of your schedule with ease.

Decluttering Your Home and Workspace

Organising your space can be a drag, but doing so will make your life so much easier! Here’s a 4-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Figure out which items you need and which you don’t.
  2. Group things based on their purpose, usage, and importance.
  3. Discard or donate items that aren’t essential.
  4. Create a system that allows easy access to frequently used items.

Plus, make sure to check your environment every week and get rid of anything that’s no longer needed. This consistency will surely pay off in the long run!

Pro Tip: Use glass jars or labelled boxes for item classification- this will make storage and retrieval a breeze! Make your life easier with these organisational tools, or keep relying on your horoscope for all the blame!

Maximising Your Organisational Tools

Maximising your organisational tools is essential for a streamlined life and workspace. Here’s five ways to make the most use of them:

  • Label items clearly
  • Set up a filing system
  • Colour code
  • Keep frequently used items nearby
  • Digitise paper documents

To take it further, combine different tools to create a unified system.

It’s important to understand how these systems work together too. Otherwise, you can get overwhelmed and give up.

Abraham Lincoln knew a thing or two about organisation. He said, “Give me six hours to chop down a tree. I’ll spend the first four sharpening the axe.” It means to prepare before you start. The same applies when setting up tools in your home and workspace. Take time to plan and prepare – there’s no magic in flying by the seat of your pants.

Delegating the task of organising your home is the key to success – unless, of course, you’re delegating to your cat.

Delegating and Outsourcing Tasks

To become an organised working mom, you need to delegate and outsource tasks effectively. Recognizing the need for delegation, identifying tasks that can be outsourced, and finding the right candidates to assign tasks are the solutions that you can utilise. In the following subsections, we’ll explore each solution to help you manage your time efficiently and reduce overwhelm.

Recognizing the need for Delegation

Delegating tasks can be complex. It is a skill that needs to be learnt and managed properly. Picking the right tasks to delegate, to whom and when is essential for running an effective operation.

When workload exceeds available time, it’s time to start delegating. Outsourcing daily work can also clear up more time for making strategic decisions that need competence and expertise.

Communication is key when delegating. Clarifying each person’s role in the project keeps everyone focused. Give feedback, monitor progress and troubleshoot to keep the quality high.

A manager once struggled with managing her workload. By delegating more, she discovered growth potential and improved employee confidence. This led to increased production and reduced anxiety – a win-win for her and her team.

Identifying Tasks that can be Outsourced

Organisations and individuals should analyse tasks to determine which activities to outsource. These tasks should be based on their complexity, time consumption, and skill requirements. Examples of tasks that can be outsourced include:

  • Data entry and bookkeeping.
  • Software development.
  • Manufacturing and warehousing.
  • Customer support services.
  • Menial chores, such as office supplies and calendars.

When outsourcing, one must consider how it fits with their strategic goals and if it affects core business processes. According to Forbes Magazine’s report of Feb 2019, “Businesses were able to save 60% in costs through an offshore partner.” Finding the right people is difficult; they must be both competent and motivated.

Finding the Right Candidates to Assign Tasks

Selecting the right candidates for delegating and outsourcing tasks is key for effectiveness and productivity in short and long term projects. It’s important to consider expertise, prior experience, communication skills, availability, and work ethics. Language barriers and cultural differences should be evaluated too. 

When delegating, make sure to assign tasks according to the individual’s areas of expertise. Transparency and clear guidelines are also essential. Provide regular feedback and training sessions as needed. By following these strategies, not only will time be saved, but goals will be achieved through successful collaborations. Self-care isn’t selfish – take care of yourself before you wreck yourself!

Implementing Self-Care

To implement self-care in your life as a working mom with the goal of being an organised and productive individual, “prioritise your physical and mental health, carve out time for relaxation and fun, and enlist the support of loved ones” to create a daily routine that works best for you.

Prioritising your Physical and Mental Health

You should make taking care of your physical and mental wellbeing a top priority. This means making choices that prioritise self-care.

Regular exercise, healthy eating, and good sleep patterns are important for physical health. For mental health, try stress-relieving activities like meditation, yoga or therapy.

Self-care practices should become part of your lifestyle. It’s not selfish, it’s necessary for leading a fulfilling life. The World Health Organization (WHO) says self-care is “what people do for themselves to establish and maintain health and to prevent and deal with illness.”

Life is too short not to enjoy relaxation and fun. Make time for them before life makes time for you.

Carving Out Time for Relaxation and Fun

Allocate time for recreation and leisure! It’s essential for self-care. Breaks from work and stress are great for relieving mental and emotional exhaustion. Scheduling time for hobbies, sports, and social activities can boost your mood and wellbeing.

Leisure activities offer personal growth. They let you explore new interests and skills, as well as enhance creativity. In today’s hectic world, leisure can restore balance and bring happiness.

Self-care includes physical health, too. Exercise keeps your body active and releases endorphins which raise your mood. You don’t need to spend a lot of money or commit to big plans. You can go on walks, read books, watch films with friends – all these are great for rejuvenation. A healthy work-life balance that includes recreation is key for your health.

Enlisting the Support of Loved Ones

Talking to the people closest to us is a great way to take care of ourselves. Here’s what to do:

  1. Step 1: Talk about your goals.
  2. Step 2: Tell them which areas you need help with.
  3. Step 3: Make a plan together.
  4. Step 4: Thank them!

Also, show them how their help makes a difference in your life.

Pro Tip: Be specific about what you need and let them know how thankful you are for their help.